VIC-20 unexpanded games 2-A

Here is our second collection of games for the unexpanded VIC-20. It is a tape dump in .TAP format of a C-60 cassette, this is the A side. A few games here have been typed from books and magazines.

You can play these games on an emulator (VICE/theVIC20) after attaching the TAP file or you can also record it on a regular tape using a 1530USB device (we will review this device in a next post).

If you use the emulator, you can either play the games in sequence or go directly to the specified tape count for direct access. We advise to modify Datassette Settings of the emulator by de-selecting Reset Datassette with CPU so that, when finished playing a game, you can reset with Alt-R and the restart loading the next game, like you would with the good old cassettes.

Here are the games contained, the number is the tape count:

  • 1 CHOMPER* [PAC-MAN Clone]
  • 40 GALAXIA* [by Romik]
  • 70 ELI-HELP
  • 162 RUN!
  • 182 POOYAN* [Use Datassette Control -> Stop once launched]
  • 208 BRISCOLA [Italian language]
  • 224 LABIRINTO 3-D
  • 238 QUIX*
  • 261 GINEVRA*
  • 285 TRON LIGHT WALLS [2 players]
  • 323 ANGOR
  • 335 3-D PANIC [1984]
  • 359 TURTLE [for kids, 1984]
  • 369 STAR WARS
  • 383 FLIPPER
  • 394 BIORITMI [utility]

A * indicates the best ones but of course it is a matter of taste. Keep on following us (check out or automatic notification system) because there will be more collections.

Download link follows:


Please do not miss the games collection #1 for the unexpanded VIC-20.

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